
resigning from work, advice?

I'm working retail so I have a store manager and a department manager. I don't really care for the store manager so I don't have a problem giving him my two weeks. It's just that everyone in my department is close friends and I want to tell my department manager that I'm quitting before it's time to put in my two weeks notice but I'm not sure on the best way to do this. During the work shift we're stupid busy because we're kept understaffed so I feel it's not a good time to tell her during work hours and I feel like telling her through message is not good and then going to work the next day will make everything really awkward and tense. I'm not sure what I should to do so I'm hoping people here have ideas.

I'm working retail so I have a store manager and a department manager. I don't really care for the store manager so I don't have a problem giving him my two weeks. It's just that everyone in my department is close friends and I want to tell my department manager that I'm quitting before it's time to put in my two weeks notice but I'm not sure on the best way to do this. During the work shift we're stupid busy because we're kept understaffed so I feel it's not a good time to tell her during work hours and I feel like telling her through message is not good and then going to work the next day will make everything really awkward and tense. I'm not sure what I should to do so I'm hoping people here have ideas.

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