
Restaurant not even paying minimum wage… option?

So my gf works for thjs restaurant here in NJ, she found out couple months ago that if she don’t make minimum wage for her shift that the restaurant had to supplement the difference at end of pay period. She went back divided hours by gross made and some checks came to 7$ and change an hour, so she went to higher ups and they gave her a bogus print of extra money for them pay periods she didn’t make or reflect on the check….. this goes on with every employee along with other shady practices like big parties where owner gets the tip not the servers they just get 15$ hour party pay they call it…. What is her options here

So my gf works for thjs restaurant here in NJ, she found out couple months ago that if she don’t make minimum wage for her shift that the restaurant had to supplement the difference at end of pay period. She went back divided hours by gross made and some checks came to 7$ and change an hour, so she went to higher ups and they gave her a bogus print of extra money for them pay periods she didn’t make or reflect on the check….. this goes on with every employee along with other shady practices like big parties where owner gets the tip not the servers they just get 15$ hour party pay they call it…. What is her options here

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