
Retail Management is interesting.

I love how they walk around scowling with discontent and disgust at everything their subordinates are doing, while simultaneously being smug about how they could do everything they can do with one hand tied behind their backs. Yet, when push comes to shove and their turn over rate is high due to their unrealistic expectations, they won't jump in and help with the work. I wonder if high turn over rates affect them in the long run and what would happen if everyone just stopped showing up. Instead those who remain are inundated with a backlog of work with 5 or more bosses reaming them for it not being done. It absolutely makes no sense. Even if things were running smoothly, the micromanaging and nitpicking is behind annoying. I've heard them say that they wish the work was automated, but in their short-sightedness, they fail to see that with a…

I love how they walk around scowling with discontent and disgust at everything their subordinates are doing, while simultaneously being smug about how they could do everything they can do with one hand tied behind their backs. Yet, when push comes to shove and their turn over rate is high due to their unrealistic expectations, they won't jump in and help with the work.

I wonder if high turn over rates affect them in the long run and what would happen if everyone just stopped showing up. Instead those who remain are inundated with a backlog of work with 5 or more bosses reaming them for it not being done.

It absolutely makes no sense.

Even if things were running smoothly, the micromanaging and nitpicking is behind annoying. I've heard them say that they wish the work was automated, but in their short-sightedness, they fail to see that with a fully automated brick and mortar store, they'd be put out of work too.

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