
Retail theft is at an all time and impacting the cooperate profits of rich CEO (oh boo hoo) perhaps pay people more money and they don’t steal? Here's the main article I found, of course it's a “Fox” news feed. One line in the article it even states that it could effect the potential revenue of one of the greedy fat cats. However do they understand people who don't normally steal, steal because they don't have enough money to pay the overly inflated prices on those products. Perhaps is Americans in general were paid accordingly and the price of certain commodies were not constantly marked up to meet record breaking profit margins for these cooperate ass hats people might not steal

Here's the main article I found, of course it's a “Fox” news feed. One line in the article it even states that it could effect the potential revenue of one of the greedy fat cats.

However do they understand people who don't normally steal, steal because they don't have enough money to pay the overly inflated prices on those products. Perhaps is Americans in general were paid accordingly and the price of certain commodies were not constantly marked up to meet record breaking profit margins for these cooperate ass hats people might not steal

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