
Retaliation after going to hr. lost thousands this year

So I'm a union laborer I do asphalt so I depend on overtime and hours since I'm on unemployment for 3 to 4 months out of the year. So one day at work I went to get a drink because I've been jackhammering in 90+ degrees for 4 hours straight. Me the foreman should be aloud to go get my guys something to drink and the superintendent decided to start screaming at me in front of my workers, the city inspectors in a residential area that I was lazy and to get more work done because he wants to be off literally early eniugh for happy hour at his drinking hole. then a few minutes I get a call from the project manager saying if I don't get more work done im fired and that he heard I wasn't working at all. I'm training 3 new people it's there first…

So I'm a union laborer I do asphalt so I depend on overtime and hours since I'm on unemployment for 3 to 4 months out of the year. So one day at work I went to get a drink because I've been jackhammering in 90+ degrees for 4 hours straight. Me the foreman should be aloud to go get my guys something to drink and the superintendent decided to start screaming at me in front of my workers, the city inspectors in a residential area that I was lazy and to get more work done because he wants to be off literally early eniugh for happy hour at his drinking hole. then a few minutes I get a call from the project manager saying if I don't get more work done im fired and that he heard I wasn't working at all. I'm training 3 new people it's there first week and in that heat they need drinks that in my union contract and im not going to be a asshole and not let them rest or even have cold fluids in that heat. So I got pissed and said I'm taking the week off due to constant screaming I then had HR contact me and said there going to look I to this. During this week off my other superintendent got drunk and thought it was funny to group chat me and all the people we work with calling me a stupid peice of shit so I screenshot it and sent it to hr. Now after a month they got it all figured out and said I could c I me back to work oh I was on unpaid leave so I lost over 10k that month. So now I'm back at work only aloud to work 40 hours like I said above I rely on overtime and it wasn't my foreman position it was working at the shop after about a week of that they had to put me back on my crew but they made the guy I was training that's only worked there for 3 months my position gave him my truck and had him running the show. I was out back on cause he was only getting 10% of the work done that I get done. So when I got back to what I do I wasn't aloud overtime I have to leave everyday at 8 hours because the project manager was pissed at me cause he got in trouble for not reporting the abuse that was going on. So I lost 10k the month I took off and only God knows how much in overtime. HR said I was not in fault in any of it but nothing happened to the 2 superintendents and the project manager only got a talking to they didn't lose out on any money or position the project manager was telling everyone I was on restriction even though I did nothing wrong and my crew told me he was pissed that they had to give me my job back but the guy that took my foreman position is kissing his ass cause he got promoted and knows nothing. What should I do should I let HR know about this? As well as my union or should I call the project manager first to see what he's willing to do. This also messed up my unemployment im getting half of what I get each year and It doesn't even cover bills let alone mortgage im the soul provider for a family of 5

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