
Retirement will have to wait.

I've been eligible to retire for 2 years I honestly thought 2022 would be the year.I work between 1750 and 2000 hrs a year,blue collar, union and hands on, physical,high stress work. but after further thought I realize my grandchildren are at a very impressionable age right now and I think it would better serve them if I forgo retirement for a couple more years to try to set a good example for them so the don't end up like a lot of the deadbeats on this subreddit. I honestly believe the work ethic of the next few generations of Americans is going to determine whether this country progresses forward or goes down in flames

I've been eligible to retire for 2 years I honestly thought 2022 would be the year.I work between 1750 and 2000 hrs a year,blue collar, union and hands on, physical,high stress work. but after further thought I realize my grandchildren are at a very impressionable age right now and I think it would better serve them if I forgo retirement for a couple more years to try to set a good example for them so the don't end up like a lot of the deadbeats on this subreddit.
I honestly believe the work ethic of the next few generations of Americans is going to determine whether this country progresses forward or goes down in flames

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