
Return to Office / Niche Job / Notify Competitors?

Read the community rules and believe I fall in line, but apologies in advance if I flubbed. I currently work as an underwriter for an incredibly, incredibly niche insurance market desperate for workers with an inkling of knowledge in my area which I had (

Read the community rules and believe I fall in line, but apologies in advance if I flubbed.

I currently work as an underwriter for an incredibly, incredibly niche insurance market desperate for workers with an inkling of knowledge in my area which I had (<2 years). Because of this stroke of luck I was hired on rather swiftly, even though I’m fully remote and don’t work close to our office. A handful of folks are full remote like me, and we seemed to be hired on by exception, while my counterparts also work remote, but go in office twice a month.

Now it’s six months later and my business is saying we’ll be going from 2 times a month in the office, to 2-3 days a week. Everyone’s terrified. I got in writing from my boss that I do not need to worry about job security, but the way this will disrupt my coworkers lives is upsetting and I’m wondering what I could do.

Then it occurred to me. Since the pandemic and shift to remote work, a common practice seen is businesses poaching workers when organizations announce “return to office” policies. And I’m thinking… Should I somehow notify our competitors (some of who are fully remote) to stroke their influence? Obviously I’d have to find a way to do so anonymously and securely, but my thoughts are, because we are such a narrow market, and because my coworkers have decades of specialized knowledge who want to preserve their lifestyles, could a move like this yield positive results?

I’ll concede this is likely wishful thinking and that this is a hard managerial move being made… But still… Could it be worth it to try?

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