
Returned to work and was replaced.

Just to start with, at the start of last year (2022) i was promoted in my work place to help create a new team and help look after the business as i knew every aspect of the job and got along well with guests and staff alike. We'd recently come under new management and the manager saw how i worked and people looked up to me, so he asked me if i wanted to be promoted and i jumped at the chance. I worked my butt off last year and helped create a new staff team and trained them up to work well together. The manager wasnt around much due to other obligations, so much of the time i was left in charge on my own for days and at times, weeks. While I cannot say it was all smooth running, we did well. During summer I convinced my manager…

Just to start with, at the start of last year (2022) i was promoted in my work place to help create a new team and help look after the business as i knew every aspect of the job and got along well with guests and staff alike.
We'd recently come under new management and the manager saw how i worked and people looked up to me, so he asked me if i wanted to be promoted and i jumped at the chance.
I worked my butt off last year and helped create a new staff team and trained them up to work well together.
The manager wasnt around much due to other obligations, so much of the time i was left in charge on my own for days and at times, weeks.
While I cannot say it was all smooth running, we did well.
During summer I convinced my manager to promote another team member to the same position as myself as a backup so if something happened to the manager or myself, there would be someone still able to take charge in our absence.

Then at the start of October I had a massive accident and broke my leg and elbow quite badly and was unable to go to work as I work in hospitality and my job requires a lot of running around.
I kept work informed as to my condition but due to complications that needed surgery I was off work longer then expected.
When I returned at the start of December, the manager I knew had moved on to another company and a deputy manager from another site was acting as our stand in General manager.
I thought nothing of it as I just wanted to get back to work.
I was told that they would take it easy on me for a couple of weeks to assess my health and ability to do the job and then when I felt comfortable, I could return full time.
I was appreciative about it as my first shift back during the first week of december was difficult as I hadn't moved that much on my affected limbs and it took it out of me.
But I was optimistic about how quickly I'd be back to fighting fit and earning again.
But I wasn't given another shift until Xmas eve!
When I questioned the new manager over this I was told they were looking out for my health yet I noticed a new staff member I recognised from another site was doing my job. Turns out she was close friends with our new GM.
I was a bit put out by this but was reassured that this staff member was only covering a couple of shifts to help me out.
By boxing day (26th) I was back to fighting fit and requesting my regular hours back as I was starting to feel the strain financially but this time I was told I was on a zero hour contract and there were no hours available.
I thought this strange as when i was promoted, i was told my contract was full time and 45+ hours a week. I was starting to get agitated but I figured I'd wait until the new rota went up and hope my hours would be sorted.
The new hours for new year went up… I was given half a shift for a 2 week period and it was then I knew I was in trouble.
I went directly to the new GM and spoke to her explaining my financial difficulties because of my accident and how I desperately needed more work hours as I was starting to be hounded for bill payments and other stuff.
I just got the brush off and told the same thing about there being no hours available and how she didn't have to give me any. Once again I checked the rota and noticed her friend was on for what were many of my working days doing my job even though she still had her job at the other work site and I snapped.

I'd had enough. I went into work and handed in my work keys and quit (only verbally, I'll get to why in a minute)
I told my manager that because of my lack of hours I could no longer afford to be able to travel to work let alone live so if she could no give me the hours, then there was no point in my working there anymore.

She didn't try to stop me or even say a word but looked quite smug as I walked away.

Now what she didn't know is that I have a family member high up in the company and in a very critical role.
So I sent my gm an email stating I would be contacting him to tell him of her mistreatment of staff.
The next day I receive an email from HR who knew nothing about what had been going on but they jumped to my managers defence…. right up until I replied with evidence of her wrong doing and they discussed getting me in for a meeting and asked how it could be peacefully resolved.
I informed them that all I wanted was my regular hours back and was once again told that I had no regular hours, it was a zero hour contract.
Well, I provided evidence to the contrary.

My GM contacted me about the meeting time and date and stated that as I hadn't handed in my resignation in writing, I was still employed and i had a shift before the meeting and she wanted me there for it.
I refused and said that as I was on “a zero hour contract” as she so claimed, I did not have to supply a written resignation from my role and I would discuss things at the meeting only.

Since all of her wrong doing came to light, her job has been posted on job sites.

My meeting is tomorrow. Wish me luck

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