
Richard wolf on accidental cooperatives

I'm not sure how many people here are familiar with Richard wolff, I can take him or leave him, but this story is interesting. I've heard him tell this at a couple of longer talks, so it's nice to have it in a single video format. Pass this to anyone who says that capitalism is the only way that we can have nice things. The proof literally shows the opposite. A lot of big tech innovation has happened by people who have left large capitalist organizations and built cooperatives, even if they didn't give it that name. People who are connected to their work do better work. We hate our jobs because we are underpaid and separated from the value they produce. We cannot be creative or innovative, and in fact are suppressed when we attempt to do so. What is everyone's thoughts on this?

I'm not sure how many people here are familiar with Richard wolff, I can take him or leave him, but this story is interesting. I've heard him tell this at a couple of longer talks, so it's nice to have it in a single video format.

Pass this to anyone who says that capitalism is the only way that we can have nice things. The proof literally shows the opposite. A lot of big tech innovation has happened by people who have left large capitalist organizations and built cooperatives, even if they didn't give it that name. People who are connected to their work do better work.

We hate our jobs because we are underpaid and separated from the value they produce. We cannot be creative or innovative, and in fact are suppressed when we attempt to do so.

What is everyone's thoughts on this?

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