
RTO is more than real estate and control

If course we think that's what it is. The media said so. The media must be right. We can trust them. It's all about the real estate and managers wanting control… Let's just ignore the fact that a lot of positions effected by RTO include relocation. Relocation is becoming more common. They're shifting us around. They're manipulating the population centers and where we spend our paychecks. What they want is written on the tin but we're too busy staring at the glowing screens. The goal is to reallocate the worker pool. It's about relocation. This is also a push to manipulate demographics. Women and minorities are much less likely to stay with a company that pushes for RTO. White men are the target demographic for offices. They want to create population centers that target a specific demographic. All of this is part of a longer term plan. A lot of…

If course we think that's what it is. The media said so. The media must be right. We can trust them. It's all about the real estate and managers wanting control…

Let's just ignore the fact that a lot of positions effected by RTO include relocation. Relocation is becoming more common. They're shifting us around. They're manipulating the population centers and where we spend our paychecks. What they want is written on the tin but we're too busy staring at the glowing screens. The goal is to reallocate the worker pool. It's about relocation.

This is also a push to manipulate demographics. Women and minorities are much less likely to stay with a company that pushes for RTO. White men are the target demographic for offices. They want to create population centers that target a specific demographic.

All of this is part of a longer term plan. A lot of companies are using the push for RTO to make people quit. It avoids layoffs and keeps stock prices from falling too hard. This also increases profits from lower reported costs, especially because most RTO positions are relatively high paying office jobs. This is to prepare for mergers. Corporate acquisitions aren't just going strong right now, they're ramping up across the board.

Everyone needs to be wary of RTO. It's part of a bigger plan. I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing it become more common to see living restrictions with jobs, such as having to live within X miles of the factory you work at. It's also a sign of longer term moves in the works that are meant to chip away at our collective power even further. It's an effort to reduce the jobs available in the market and keep us where they want.

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