
Rudolph presents Santa: The Original Tyrant Boss

It's taken all these years, but I just realized what an absolutely HORRIBLE person Santa is to work for in Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer: Runs a child indoctrination camp to train the children of his existing employees. Tells a child that he is useless because he is different. Expresses his disappointment with the child publicly AND to the child's parents AND, somehow, manages to shame the father for producing the child. As a direct result of his public ridicule and abuse of the child, the child runs away, and when the parents leave to try to find the child, he complains TO THE CHILD, upon his return, that his parents' absence means work is not going to be done. He literally bitches about Dasher needing to take family leave because his child ran away, when his own cruelty is what caused the child to leave. Despite his “concern” about…

It's taken all these years, but I just realized what an absolutely HORRIBLE person Santa is to work for in Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer:

  1. Runs a child indoctrination camp to train the children of his existing employees.
  2. Tells a child that he is useless because he is different.
  3. Expresses his disappointment with the child publicly AND to the child's parents AND, somehow, manages to shame the father for producing the child.
  4. As a direct result of his public ridicule and abuse of the child, the child runs away, and when the parents leave to try to find the child, he complains TO THE CHILD, upon his return, that his parents' absence means work is not going to be done. He literally bitches about Dasher needing to take family leave because his child ran away, when his own cruelty is what caused the child to leave.
  5. Despite his “concern” about his missing employee–who has been gone for months–he never assembles a search party, and the child, who has been lost in the wilderness for months, has to leave immediately after returning home to search for his own family.
  6. ONLY changes his mind about the child's usefulness when he realizes he can exploit it for his own business.
  7. Upon this realization, immediately forces a minor to work for him in dangerous weather conditions.

Merry fucking Christmas. No wonder work in the US is such a damned mess. The brainwashing begins from birth, and even the fat toy delivery guy is in on it.

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