
Sales people are losers.

I’ve been interviewing for sales jobs recently (years ago I had an awesome gig for a small technology firm in sales). It’s astounding to me the mental gymnastics these sales managers have their representatives doing. One manager told me their average rep is doing $60,000 in sales a month but only making 6% of that. So these losers are making the company $720,000 a year and juuuust barely might make $50,000 with bonuses. All the while doing 50 hour weeks, giving up weekends and evenings, and hoping and praying someone walks the door or else they may not be eating next paycheck. Another place told me they expect 50-60 hours a week “but it pays off since they’re reps make $60-70k a year”. That’s a decent salary but means jackshit when you only have time to go home eat dinner and go to sleep so you can wake up early…

I’ve been interviewing for sales jobs recently (years ago I had an awesome gig for a small technology firm in sales). It’s astounding to me the mental gymnastics these sales managers have their representatives doing.

One manager told me their average rep is doing $60,000 in sales a month but only making 6% of that. So these losers are making the company $720,000 a year and juuuust barely might make $50,000 with bonuses. All the while doing 50 hour weeks, giving up weekends and evenings, and hoping and praying someone walks the door or else they may not be eating next paycheck. Another place told me they expect 50-60 hours a week “but it pays off since they’re reps make $60-70k a year”. That’s a decent salary but means jackshit when you only have time to go home eat dinner and go to sleep so you can wake up early and go to work for the entire day all over again.

It’s pathetic and I seriously feel for these people. All these sales kids have such go get ‘‘em attitudes and are so sure they just have to work harder to be successful and it still hasn’t clicked yet…

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