
Sales teams are whip-crackers

So, sales teams. Those prissy, candy-assed frat boys hopped up on “hustle culture” that do menial labor but profit from it because somebody underneath them does the actual work. My company gives these damn kids joint ownership of the place and all they do is go door-to-door chatting up potential clients, throwing appointments at my team with little to no thought about optimization . Meanwhile, my team services almost a dozen clients every day in 90F heat (our company uniform being black denim pants and long sleeves), forced to hustle to meet up with their insane demands, often falling behind because no thought is given to the size, distance or even condition of the homes. Earlier this week, I made an hour-long round trip just to wind back up back at a neighborhood, with an appointment being just up the street from an earlier one that day. I’ve serviced houses…

So, sales teams. Those prissy, candy-assed frat boys hopped up on “hustle culture” that do menial labor but profit from it because somebody underneath them does the actual work.
My company gives these damn kids joint ownership of the place and all they do is go door-to-door chatting up potential clients, throwing appointments at my team with little to no thought about optimization .
Meanwhile, my team services almost a dozen clients every day in 90F heat (our company uniform being black denim pants and long sleeves), forced to hustle to meet up with their insane demands, often falling behind because no thought is given to the size, distance or even condition of the homes. Earlier this week, I made an hour-long round trip just to wind back up back at a neighborhood, with an appointment being just up the street from an earlier one that day.
I’ve serviced houses that needed to be burned down with how decrepit they were. One house I had to pull out a gas mask for because the air was so thick, an associate found a decomposing cat in the backyard, and another home you could see underneath the foundation with how rotted the kitchen floor was.
They’ve sent me, a minority, to service the houses of blatantly obvious neo-nazis, ones that hung confederate flags outside or had tattoos of one taking up a quarter of their back.
The final straw today was when I showed up to service a 100+ year-old shack that the homeowner added on to, and he reported having copperhead snakes invade INSIDE his home on multiple occasions. His sales rep knew about this, but sent me to service the home with no mention of its hazard.
You complain about it, and the managers and seniors come down on you telling you to “be grateful” and “you wouldn’t have a job without them”, or “you gotta adjust and put in the blood, sweat and tears” all because you asked these failsons to put more effort into their end of the job.
I’m done. I’m putting in my 2 week’s notice.

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