
Saved money by hiring H1b visas?

I was required to train my replacements, as I was being laid off and replaced by H1b visa holders. Just what did management think my motivation would be? After working with my replacements (three guys to handle my former workload) I find that they don't have the expertise that they claim. They were asking basic fundamental questions about everyday network functions. One of them couldn't understand setting up a standard user profile configuration, even after being shown twice. Another had obvious problems with English. The third wouldn't pay attention and kept wandering into the breakroom. No way they were going to work out. I advised my manager, but he just accused me of sour grapes. But he did agree that I shouldn't have to teach them functions that their supposed credentials indicated they should know. So I focused only on showing them the things we had uniquely configured for our…

I was required to train my replacements, as I was being laid off and replaced by H1b visa holders. Just what did management think my motivation would be?

After working with my replacements (three guys to handle my former workload) I find that they don't have the expertise that they claim. They were asking basic fundamental questions about everyday network functions. One of them couldn't understand setting up a standard user profile configuration, even after being shown twice. Another had obvious problems with English. The third wouldn't pay attention and kept wandering into the breakroom. No way they were going to work out.

I advised my manager, but he just accused me of sour grapes. But he did agree that I shouldn't have to teach them functions that their supposed credentials indicated they should know. So I focused only on showing them the things we had uniquely configured for our system, and I gave them the list of administrative passwords.

About a week after I'm out the door, my old manager called in a panic. Not only did those guys not know what they were doing, but they had used those passwords to screw up the system royally. My manager wanted me to come back in right away and fix it all.

I asked if that meant I got my old job back? No, he couldn't authorize that. Could I get paid as a consultant? No, he felt that I should be able to fix everything within a day and since “we had such good history” I owed him that. Yeah right. I declined.

A few days later HR left pleading voicemails on my phone while I was out interviewing for a new job. When I got back home the next day, they called me and threatened me – tried to blame me for their predicament. I told them that their threats closed our relationship.

I heard that they had to hire a consultant at a high hourly rate, and pay his air flight and hotel costs. Then they had to hire new network administrators.

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