
Say someone wanted to unionize workers of digital products (devs, designers, product people, researchers, analysts —non board or C-level members), how’d you go about doing that?

‍️ Seriously, how? The only unions I know of help firefighters, construction workers, and cops… what’s the 21st century, remote-friendly version of this? A lot of people I know in tech are competent, hard working people, who just want to do their job and collect an honest paycheck… yet they live in perpetual fear of losing their jobs, healthcare, retirement, and other golden chains. Serious, I know a researcher who’s hair is falling out due to stress… People in the 40-60s housed, supported, and raised a family with all sorts of luxuries, retirement, and healthcare packages —all on a single income from a factory job! (e.g., CATERPILLAR) Back when the little guys were in unions… So how would one get involved? Not as a leader, but a seeder?… Asking for a friend

‍️ Seriously, how?

The only unions I know of help firefighters, construction workers, and cops… what’s the 21st century, remote-friendly version of this?

A lot of people I know in tech are competent, hard working people, who just want to do their job and collect an honest paycheck… yet they live in perpetual fear of losing their jobs, healthcare, retirement, and other golden chains.

Serious, I know a researcher who’s hair is falling out due to stress…

People in the 40-60s housed, supported, and raised a family with all sorts of luxuries, retirement, and healthcare packages —all on a single income from a factory job! (e.g., CATERPILLAR) Back when the little guys were in unions…

So how would one get involved? Not as a leader, but a seeder?… Asking for a friend

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