
schedule changed based on call outs

I just had a question, I am 20 and working my first “big girl job” outside of retail and food service. I work in customer service answering phones and emails and such. I've been working here 6 months and passed my yearly review i was never supposed to be given with flying colors and earned my first raise in december. that's where the trouble (from what I can tell) starts. My supervisor sat me down a few weeks before the review and asked me if i could work 6a-5p mon-thurs. I loved the idea of a 3 day weekend every weekend and told her I could. She thanked me and told me I was doing her a great favor and such. Since then I have called out three times, which is way more than I have ever called out but I was sick each time and needed to stay home.…

I just had a question, I am 20 and working my first “big girl job” outside of retail and food service. I work in customer service answering phones and emails and such. I've been working here 6 months and passed my yearly review i was never supposed to be given with flying colors and earned my first raise in december. that's where the trouble (from what I can tell) starts. My supervisor sat me down a few weeks before the review and asked me if i could work 6a-5p mon-thurs. I loved the idea of a 3 day weekend every weekend and told her I could. She thanked me and told me I was doing her a great favor and such. Since then I have called out three times, which is way more than I have ever called out but I was sick each time and needed to stay home. However, each time was on a Thursday, and I totally understand the way that it may look. My supervisor pulled me aside yesterday and told me that because of my “pattern of calling out on Thursday” she is changing my schedule to 6a-3p mon-fri. which is fine, but the whole reason i was not applying for jobs that pay better in the company was because I really enjoyed my 3 days off, so last night I applied for two of them. I know one of the leads for one of the jobs I applied for and so I told her I applied so that she would know and she messaged back “great! how is your attendance?” … is this something I should be concerned about? Does that sound like my supervisor is blocking me from growing in the company to anyone else? I know this could just be paranoia since that is a normal question to ask but as the first question? Is that normal?

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