
Screwed by Corporate Canada

I’m a year into working my 2nd job in corporate Canada and I’m miserable. There is no difference between the BS I went through in the states and in England as well. Wanted to put this out there bc most people shit on the US, but it’s everywhere. Each company has screwed us on raises after record profits year after year. Now they are trying to force us back in the office after WFH gave us the best two years’ financials of the companies history!!!! I’m feeling defeated and the only one on my team who speaks up. Why are so many putting up with this??!!

I’m a year into working my 2nd job in corporate Canada and I’m miserable. There is no difference between the BS I went through in the states and in England as well. Wanted to put this out there bc most people shit on the US, but it’s everywhere. Each company has screwed us on raises after record profits year after year. Now they are trying to force us back in the office after WFH gave us the best two years’ financials of the companies history!!!!
I’m feeling defeated and the only one on my team who speaks up. Why are so many putting up with this??!!

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