
Screwed over by new PTO policy.

So, my previous employer switched up their PTO policy at the beginning of the year. We were given notice of the change, but not the full details. The only information anyone had was 'please use your existing PTO before the new year because it wont roll over. We instead were given a pool on Jan 1st. I put in my two-weeks, but was practically begged to stay on until my replacement could be found, which ended up taking the better part of a month. (I really liked my team, so I said yes). When I turned in my badge to h.r., I confirmed that my PTO would be on my last check. I called yesterday to see if my last check was going to be physical or DD, and that everything was going to be on it, and was told “yes, and itll be DD”. Groovy. Got my check today…$1.57.…

So, my previous employer switched up their PTO policy at the beginning of the year. We were given notice of the change, but not the full details. The only information anyone had was 'please use your existing PTO before the new year because it wont roll over. We instead were given a pool on Jan 1st. I put in my two-weeks, but was practically begged to stay on until my replacement could be found, which ended up taking the better part of a month. (I really liked my team, so I said yes). When I turned in my badge to h.r., I confirmed that my PTO would be on my last check. I called yesterday to see if my last check was going to be physical or DD, and that everything was going to be on it, and was told “yes, and itll be DD”. Groovy. Got my check today…$1.57. Went to the business to see what happened, and was told “with the new policy, it doesn't pay out when you leave.” I told them what I was told when I left and got the “I'll get with my V.P. to see if theres anything we can do.” This shit is definitely damaging my calm. Like, if I dont get my moneys, I am going to lose my shit. Any ideas? Or am I just getting fucked by shady business practices?

Tl;dr: today I learned to use all of your PTO before leaving a job 🤦‍️

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