
Seeing way too many posts about managers destroying products if they can’t sell them. Revolt.

While I understand it is company policy in some places to destroy/throw away products/food if it doesn't sell that day, in this time of so much consumer waste and inflation, the best thing you can do as a manager is revolt against it. Bring up some bs about how it is against your religion to waste. That way the left over product actually does get used, instead of wasted. And hey, who knows, you may actually get a paying customer with giving away the left overs that didn't sell! As managers, you guys have the power to make the difference.

While I understand it is company policy in some places to destroy/throw away products/food if it doesn't sell that day, in this time of so much consumer waste and inflation, the best thing you can do as a manager is revolt against it. Bring up some bs about how it is against your religion to waste. That way the left over product actually does get used, instead of wasted. And hey, who knows, you may actually get a paying customer with giving away the left overs that didn't sell! As managers, you guys have the power to make the difference.

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