
Seeking advice on how to get better at not working while on the clock

Background – I feel good about my job. I audit large corporations and make sure they are paying taxes for my state. I’m in a union. I work from home. My supervisor is fine. The thing I don’t like is needing to spend 40 hrs a week on the clock – humans just aren’t made for that. I am paid hourly but I spend a lot of time just dicking around on my phone because I can’t concentrate on work (or anything) for that long. My productivity stats are above what we are required to do so and at my last annual review the assistant director said she appreciates my time management skills lol. So I know I can comfortably work less, but I would like to figure out how to enjoy not working time more / not be stressed about it. Ideally I’d like to get some stuff done…

Background – I feel good about my job. I audit large corporations and make sure they are paying taxes for my state. I’m in a union. I work from home. My supervisor is fine. The thing I don’t like is needing to spend 40 hrs a week on the clock – humans just aren’t made for that. I am paid hourly but I spend a lot of time just dicking around on my phone because I can’t concentrate on work (or anything) for that long.
My productivity stats are above what we are required to do so and at my last annual review the assistant director said she appreciates my time management skills lol. So I know I can comfortably work less, but I would like to figure out how to enjoy not working time more / not be stressed about it. Ideally I’d like to get some stuff done around the house and work on some personal projects. I feel like my biggest hang ups are being paranoid about my status in teams chat telling people I’ve been away from my desk (can’t download anything mouse jiggled or anything) , and also we track our time for each activity (for internal purposes, not billing) and I’m unsure how to approach padding it out. I keep telling myself that the worst that could happen is that my supervisor tells me I’ve been away too long and I say “oops sorry!” But i still have a nagging anxiety about it. Any tips appreciated!

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