
Self employment / corporate job / pay off debt

I worked at Charter, Time Warner, Spectrum over the course of Nov 2016 – July 2020. I started with them at 20 years of age Began in the sales department, then transferred to tech side where I ultimately ended my time with them. In sales we we measured by metrics per call, at least one service (cable internet phone) needs to sold to break even as far as yield per call. I had about 40 calls a day, and would manage to sell about 40 services a day (cable and internet) which is crazy considering half of the people had to be transferred to tech or were calling for other reasons. Still my supervisor/manager would get after me unnecessarily hard for not sticking with the “script” because I wouldn’t push for landline sales it was big thing but was never fired because of the manager Tiffany.. no one wanted a…

I worked at Charter, Time Warner, Spectrum over the course of Nov 2016 – July 2020. I started with them at 20 years of age
Began in the sales department, then transferred to tech side where I ultimately ended my time with them.
In sales we we measured by metrics per call, at least one service (cable internet phone) needs to sold to break even as far as yield per call. I had about 40 calls a day, and would manage to sell about 40 services a day (cable and internet) which is crazy considering half of the people had to be transferred to tech or were calling for other reasons. Still my supervisor/manager would get after me unnecessarily hard for not sticking with the “script” because I wouldn’t push for landline sales it was big thing but was never fired because of the manager Tiffany.. no one wanted a goddamn landline, anyway.
I was able to save up $40,000 in my time at sales and finally quit from the job no two weeks was told they’d never hire me back..
After a few months I came back for the tech support side of it in a different building in Texas. Turns out that the two buildings are ran by husband and wife. And the Husband (manger of this tech building) had heard about me and my time at the other building through his wife (Tiffany), I was hired right away and thought that was funny and lucky. In my time at tech was less money but finally peace of mind at work, was able to make it to the top three percent of company go on trips and get to be with the top people towards the end of my time.
I was going through depression not taking care of myself it all culminated with a message from the IRS around March 2020 that I hadn’t paid my student loans ($12,000) at this I wasn’t brushing my teeth eating nothing just so down and depressed.. and that they would take 15% of my income moving forward, I immediately paid it off & kind of snapped out of it, and next paid off my car (few thousand) had left to pay. Then once i realized that I no longer
had that looming over me, it became all too clear, I was at that job because I had X amount leaving me monthly.
So $15,000 later I paid off student loans and what was left of my car and quit July 2020. Took out my 401k.
Today Im proud to say I haven’t needed to return to a corporate job, and will never need to. No longer depressed. I make money through photo and video editing, eBay, reselling. It’s all about the amount you generate versus The amount that leaves you monthly. To anybody going through depression because of the cycle of work, you’re not alone, learn from others and be kind to others as we don’t know what they’re going through.

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