
Sent this email to my managers a few days ago when I got the call that I was being let go. Kind of overthinking it now.

Long story short, I was a contractor at this company and worked very hard, showed up and put in extra effort when coworkers were slacking, etc. Ultimately was not asked to come in for 2 months while my manager avoided my questions and no one told me what was going on until finally a random person I don't even work with called me and told me in a very causal tone that there was no need for me anymore. I am happy with my response and had been thinking about it for a while. Management is genuinely bad especially with their treatment of PAs so I wanted to say something. None of them ever did reply, which is fine. Although now I get little moments of “oh god was that email super cringey??”

Long story short, I was a contractor at this company and worked very hard, showed up and put in extra effort when coworkers were slacking, etc. Ultimately was not asked to come in for 2 months while my manager avoided my questions and no one told me what was going on until finally a random person I don't even work with called me and told me in a very causal tone that there was no need for me anymore. I am happy with my response and had been thinking about it for a while. Management is genuinely bad especially with their treatment of PAs so I wanted to say something. None of them ever did reply, which is fine. Although now I get little moments of “oh god was that email super cringey??”

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