
Sent to another site to “learn”.

So for over 10 years I worked mailroom jobs and I got tired of them so I got a job working in a print center. That is where I have been for the last just over a year and last Friday I was told I would be going over to another site to train for a week. So I didn't go on Monday as they didn't give access to the site. So I went today and found that 1) I'm had not been given access to the site and 2) it's not print center work but mailroom work. I am not there to do the job I was hired to do but to be a floater in the event that the guy working at this site is out. I'm so pissed that I'm thinking about quitting because this isn't what I singed up for. If the boss can't find someone…

So for over 10 years I worked mailroom jobs and I got tired of them so I got a job working in a print center. That is where I have been for the last just over a year and last Friday I was told I would be going over to another site to train for a week.

So I didn't go on Monday as they didn't give access to the site. So I went today and found that 1) I'm had not been given access to the site and 2) it's not print center work but mailroom work.

I am not there to do the job I was hired to do but to be a floater in the event that the guy working at this site is out. I'm so pissed that I'm thinking about quitting because this isn't what I singed up for.

If the boss can't find someone to fill in its not my job or problem.

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