
Serious motion time.

When are we going to halt the gears of society and demand what we're owed? Right across the board I mean. Every last one of us out there who's fed up with the shit cake we're being force fed.. what will it take to make a total, nation-wide halt to work happen in protest of this garbage? Yes, we'll all take a hit, but we all control the majority of their assets collectively. How many of us are there, in comparison to the rich fuckers standing atop the pillars we hold up? They only win if someone is there to fill your shoes when you walk out. If everyone walks out and nobody is filling in, the gears stop, and they will be forced into a very difficult position. We have to do this, or nothing will change. Time to set up barter and trade among ourselves. Let's get creative…

When are we going to halt the gears of society and demand what we're owed? Right across the board I mean. Every last one of us out there who's fed up with the shit cake we're being force fed.. what will it take to make a total, nation-wide halt to work happen in protest of this garbage? Yes, we'll all take a hit, but we all control the majority of their assets collectively. How many of us are there, in comparison to the rich fuckers standing atop the pillars we hold up? They only win if someone is there to fill your shoes when you walk out. If everyone walks out and nobody is filling in, the gears stop, and they will be forced into a very difficult position. We have to do this, or nothing will change.
Time to set up barter and trade among ourselves. Let's get creative about avoiding the old system of control. If you want to see the world become a better place, demand separation of government and private interest. Demand an end to rampant, unfettered inflation. Cap capitalism, and distribute the overhead to social programs to help people instead of line the pockets of these ill-intended corporate dragons. This has to be a unanimous motion, and it has to be planned out, but it must begin before things totally collapse, or the world will get much much uglier than it already is.

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