
Serious question regarding an interview experience I’m currently having

Hi All, hoping for some genuine advice/ opinions on something that’s happening currently. I’ll try to give some context. I’ve (m27) been struggling in life atm, family members getting ill and needing care etc. A friend I know through sport got talking with me about work and he mentioned he might be able to help me get a better paying job if I sent a CV his way. My current job doesn’t pay particularly well but I work with nice people and I’m good at it (it involves analytics and data handling) I updated my CV and sent it over and a few days later my Nan died, we had her funeral and then a few days after that my Grandad passed away too. I got an email from someone that same day (Friday evening) who had been put in contact with me by said friend above asking to meet…

Hi All, hoping for some genuine advice/ opinions on something that’s happening currently.

I’ll try to give some context.

I’ve (m27) been struggling in life atm, family members getting ill and needing care etc.
A friend I know through sport got talking with me about work and he mentioned he might be able to help me get a better paying job if I sent a CV his way.
My current job doesn’t pay particularly well but I work with nice people and I’m good at it (it involves analytics and data handling)

I updated my CV and sent it over and a few days later my Nan died, we had her funeral and then a few days after that my Grandad passed away too. I got an email from someone that same day (Friday evening) who had been put in contact with me by said friend above asking to meet for a coffee. For obvious reasons I didn’t see or respond right away. I got back to him on the Tuesday after (2 working days) said sorry for the delay and explained that both my Nan and Grandad had both passed away over the last few days and weeks and my current work was also hitting its busiest period for the last couple of years.

I then said I would love to meet and enquired about a date. When he responded a few hours later with a potential date I mentioned that the date sounded good but I would need to request it off of work first. I said let’s pencil it in and I will get back to you as soon as I can confirm I have that day off (this was about 3 weeks before the proposed date)
I get back to them a few days later confirming I have the day off and ask what time and location best suits them.

I have heard nothing since (it has been a little over 2 weeks) I sent another email to them as a prompt in case they forgot a few days ago and still nothing. We are supposed to meet on the coming Monday which is also the day before my Grandads funeral.

I’m just feeling a bit confused, I’ve booked time off of work during a really busy period which I didn’t want to for the sake of my coworkers/ team members and it’s a crap time in life in general and I’m sat here wondering am I expected to track this person down and phone them as some sort of test, or are they just no longer interested? If that was the case that is totally fine. I have a lot going on in life and wouldn’t be able to start the new job for a couple of months but just tell me, I worked this date around funerals and work and have actively taken time off.

I really don’t know what to think or feel atm. Is this common?
Any questions feel free to ask

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