
Seriously considering exploding my life for a fresh start – would your thoughts!

Helloooo antiwork compadres. Disclaimer – this is kinda long My husband and I have been ~percolating~ on this idea for the past few weeks and I’d love some outside perspective on it. I’d also love your thoughts on things I should be considering, questions we should be asking ourselves, things we should be preparing for – basically any form of helpful feedback. To set the scene – my husband and I are 30/31 M/F. We both have pretty high stress jobs. I’m a Creative Director at an ad agency and he’s a Regional Sales Director. I make a good salary. We rent an apartment. Don’t struggle financially. No kids. Have a totally awesome dog. And generally, have a nice life. But my god, we are kind of miserable. So fucking stressed and feel stuck in the rat race and bored and kind of like is this all there is?! But…

Helloooo antiwork compadres.

Disclaimer – this is kinda long

My husband and I have been ~percolating~ on this idea for the past few weeks and I’d love some outside perspective on it. I’d also love your thoughts on things I should be considering, questions we should be asking ourselves, things we should be preparing for – basically any form of helpful feedback.

To set the scene – my husband and I are 30/31 M/F. We both have pretty high stress jobs. I’m a Creative Director at an ad agency and he’s a Regional Sales Director. I make a good salary. We rent an apartment. Don’t struggle financially. No kids. Have a totally awesome dog. And generally, have a nice life. But my god, we are kind of miserable. So fucking stressed and feel stuck in the rat race and bored and kind of like is this all there is?!

But most importantly, we are both acutely aware that something is off – we’re not living a life authentic to who we are.

Before we buy a house and possibly (but as of now, not likely) consider kids – we want to figure out how to get on the right track. Is it where we live, or what we’re doing? Likely both.

But to reset & gain some clarity, we’ve lightly decided we want to just fuck offf for a bit. SO the current dream percolating would be:

Quit our jobs 1 year from now. Then, starting next May – drive across the country with our dog, rent airbnbs in key cities along the way (NOLA, Austin, Denver). Rent a campervan and explore the Utah national parks. Then finish in Tahoe and work and live and South Lake Tahoe for the summer. Summer jobs and/or freelance if I can get it.

We’d ideally save about $100k before we leave (which is doable) and spent only a small chunk of that on the trip, have cushion for a down payment on a house and some left over?!

I have a working list of questions, considerations, and logistics to figure out for both getting there and returning but the second we thought of it, it kinda felt right.

So what do you think? Totally crazy, or just crazy enough?

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