
“Service Workers”

The “Worth” of an employee from an employers perspective isn't the value that they add to the business, its the cost of replacing them if they aren't willing to do the work you want for as little as you can legally pay them in order to keep profits as high as possible. Are people going to eat at a filthy restaurant with half eaten meals and trash laying everywhere? Is the public going to use bathrooms with human waste and scum covering literally everything in it? Are they going to pay to sleep in hotels with unmade semen covered beds, and whatever else the previous occupant decided to leave? Probably not. Why do they think it's okay to pay the people who make sure they don't have to as little as 7.25/hour? How long do you think it would take for a business to collapse if there were noone there…

The “Worth” of an employee from an employers perspective isn't the value that they add to the business, its the cost of replacing them if they aren't willing to do the work you want for as little as you can legally pay them in order to keep profits as high as possible. Are people going to eat at a filthy restaurant with half eaten meals and trash laying everywhere? Is the public going to use bathrooms with human waste and scum covering literally everything in it? Are they going to pay to sleep in hotels with unmade semen covered beds, and whatever else the previous occupant decided to leave? Probably not. Why do they think it's okay to pay the people who make sure they don't have to as little as 7.25/hour? How long do you think it would take for a business to collapse if there were noone there to assist the customers, take care of the day to day work and problems that pop up, and deal with the transactions? It would take a serious piece of shit human being to think that those workers don't deserve to make enough money to live on.

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