
Severance (Apple TV show) is too relatable

I posted on here recently that I think Office Space is the best anti work movie. But I have been rewatching Severance lately and I think that show has perfect anti work commentary. When I go to my job, I feel like another person. I feel sluggish and sick like when I’m there. My shift feels like it lasts forever. But then when I get home and relax a little I become me again. Does anybody know what I’m talking about?

I posted on here recently that I think Office Space is the best anti work movie. But I have been rewatching Severance lately and I think that show has perfect anti work commentary. When I go to my job, I feel like another person.

I feel sluggish and sick like when I’m there. My shift feels like it lasts forever. But then when I get home and relax a little I become me again. Does anybody know what I’m talking about?

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