
Severe Negative Impacts on My Mental Health – Is it time to quit?

I (28F) am so fed up with my current job. I wake up everyday dreading every aspect of my job. I work as an executive assistant to a property owner and developer. He is never in the office and so I work mainly alone under his CFO who does his job for him along with his own. I am alone in the office every day. The only interaction I get is brief moments with tenants or people who are lost in our building. I am responsible for every last thing in this office, bottom to top; from buying toilet paper to finalizing leases. Not only do I do that for the company I officially work for, but the 3 additional companies owned by my boss, his personal properties, his medical marijuana doctors office, and a slum apartment complex he owns and barely operates, mind you, I am only paid from…

I (28F) am so fed up with my current job. I wake up everyday dreading every aspect of my job. I work as an executive assistant to a property owner and developer. He is never in the office and so I work mainly alone under his CFO who does his job for him along with his own. I am alone in the office every day. The only interaction I get is brief moments with tenants or people who are lost in our building. I am responsible for every last thing in this office, bottom to top; from buying toilet paper to finalizing leases. Not only do I do that for the company I officially work for, but the 3 additional companies owned by my boss, his personal properties, his medical marijuana doctors office, and a slum apartment complex he owns and barely operates, mind you, I am only paid from one of these companies; an unmotivational $17.50/hr.

I cannot do this anymore. This job offers no benefits, insurance, or even PTO. I don't know why but, I keep coming in and doing it everyday. My boss is a manchild, who inherited this company and all its properties from his father, who constantly throws tantrums and is off on another Disney trip or vacation every other week.

My father died last November, in a very traumatic and disturbing way. He was elderly and I took this job because it was in close proximity to his home. I was able to get home to him in a matter of minutes to perform CPR to no avail until the ambulance arrived. After this I look 1 week off work, my boss had our temp text me twice asking when I would be coming back during that week. It felt really inappropriate. I also did not have the option to exercise any paid time off for bereavement, even though I had barely missed any work in the time I have worked here (The only time I have taken off was for when I had Covid-19 and even then, I worked remotely).

I feel disrespected and used. My boss still has the gall to complain about my work ethic and professionalism if I'm even 5 minutes late due to traffic or illness.

I told his CFO that I wanted to put in notice that I would be leaving on December 1st 2022, I said I would stay on until the new year. He begged me to stay and assured me that we would discuss a raise and benefits to entice me to stay, I agreed on the condition that we discuss it and some real changes would have to be made. Nothing has happened since and they have not discussed it with me.

I get no sleep, my depression has skyrocketed in the past few months and I can honestly say I would be better off working retail.

Even with all of this considered, I feel guilt. I feel like I am being overly sensitive and everyone else hates working too, what makes me any different? My partner, family and friends all have expressed that they think its outrageous the way I am treated here. I'm scared I will feel this way anywhere and that I'm overreacting. My living situation would not be impacted and I have already received a few job offers for a similar position at other local companies.

I have recently hired another assistant who is working part time and I have already trained her, so I would not exactly be leaving them high and dry.

Is it time to quit? Am I overreacting to the situation? Am I doomed?

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