
Sexism, or…?

I've been working for the same company for 3.5 years. I'm the ONLY person in the company that has CAD certifications (it's CAD work.) A year and a half ago, they moved our supervisor to a new department. They didn't replace him. His work duties fell to me and my part-time (MALE – this will be important later) coworker. Because my coworker is part-time, I took on 90% of my missing supervisor's duties. I've been asking for a raise constantly. The most recent time I asked was March. I've outlined the additional responsibilities I've taken on, repeatedly. And included the money I've saved the company. And I've been ignored. Recently, my part-time, male coworker asked for a raise for both of us. He detailed what (little) work he's been doing since they moved our supervisor. And told them how much I've done. They responded immediately and seem poised to give…

I've been working for the same company for 3.5 years. I'm the ONLY person in the company that has CAD certifications (it's CAD work.)

A year and a half ago, they moved our supervisor to a new department. They didn't replace him. His work duties fell to me and my part-time (MALE – this will be important later) coworker. Because my coworker is part-time, I took on 90% of my missing supervisor's duties.

I've been asking for a raise constantly. The most recent time I asked was March. I've outlined the additional responsibilities I've taken on, repeatedly. And included the money I've saved the company. And I've been ignored.

Recently, my part-time, male coworker asked for a raise for both of us. He detailed what (little) work he's been doing since they moved our supervisor. And told them how much I've done. They responded immediately and seem poised to give him a raise. Not me.

There is literally no reason to give him a raise and not me. I do the majority of the work. And yet, as soon as he asked for a raise, he was given one. I've asked and have been ignored.

My work performance is stellar. I work MUCH faster and have far fewer mistakes than he does.

This isn't fair, right? … Right??

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