
Sexually harassed at work and still forced to train with harasser. Can I do anything about this?

I'd like to clarify on the title a little bit, I didn't take it as sexual harassment but my girlfriend is adamant that it is indeed harassment so I wanted to ask you guys to see if maybe I have it wrong. There is a new kid at work, he started a few months ago but he's been doing basically anything and everything management tells him to do, which is outside his job definition, but we've been low on work so he just has to fall in line. Well, my boss told me that I need to train him to be my back up in the event that i'm absent that day or something goes wrong. So he basically has to follow me around and I have to show him what to do, this is very hard because he is one of those kids that make anime his personality so…

I'd like to clarify on the title a little bit, I didn't take it as sexual harassment but my girlfriend is adamant that it is indeed harassment so I wanted to ask you guys to see if maybe I have it wrong.

There is a new kid at work, he started a few months ago but he's been doing basically anything and everything management tells him to do, which is outside his job definition, but we've been low on work so he just has to fall in line.

Well, my boss told me that I need to train him to be my back up in the event that i'm absent that day or something goes wrong. So he basically has to follow me around and I have to show him what to do, this is very hard because he is one of those kids that make anime his personality so he's always being loud and obnoxious about small things and is basically acting like he is IN an anime (I wish I was kidding but sadly I am not.). This includes him reciting certain anime sound tracks, having over-expressive actions such as fake falling asleep and talking like he is in a fight scene or something…

Well, anyways. I was doing my day to day stuff and he was busy doing something else. He randomly came up to me and was like “If you had to choose, would you have sex with a dead body, or a necrophiliac?” and I just looked at him disgusted and told him not to ever ask me anything like that and that it wasn't work appropriate. He then pushed the question further and followed me and said “Well, if you had to choose one, hehe.” and I just got so disgusted and fed up that I said to him “don't ever fucking ask me that again. Excuse me.” and went about my day. I reported him to my manager as this is the second time he's come up to me and said things completely out of pocket, last time I had to report him because my job involves X-acto knives, I told him to be very careful as they're super sharp and the first thing he did was stab a little bit infront of me and said “stab stab stab haha”.

Now, mind you, this kid doesn't act right. I've tried asking if he is maybe on the spectrum because my girlfriends little brother acts exactly like him and he is heavily autistic, he said he did not know. Other than his weird personality, he seems to be perfectly normal so I don't know if he is maybe just a little weirdo or what.

My boss insists that I still train him because if I refuse then “what else am I supposed to do about him?” which I feel like isn't my problem. He made it out like I just didn't have a choice in the matter and told me that I NEEDED to train him even though he wasn't hired to be a back up, he was hired to be in a specific position that they've now dissolved into taking over fired employees work (they fired 2 elderly employees who were married due to “slow business” and promised them they'd be hired again when we picked up. We picked up and they are no where to be seen.

Tl;Dr: New co-worker said and done some extremely out of pocket things and i'm still forced to train him. Told my boss i'm uncomfortable around him and it feels more like babysitting than training. Feels like he gave me no option other than to accept training him.

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