
Shooting the messenger

I used to love my job. Really. I am a nurse in a psychiatric ER, as well as the union representative in said as well as other wards. A little over a month ago my colleagues started talking about how our boss had threatened to fire some of them while they were sick (one with a broken foot). I collected data, asked around to figure out what was going on and then went to said boss to talk about it, so that we could find a solution. This caused all sort of trouble because the boss plays favourites and the favourites are now extremely angry, with me… but I persevered, set up a mediation meeting with the members the boss my self and another union rep. But now…. Now there is so much tension no one is willing to talk, so I stand alone. I feel so betrayed. But I’ve…

I used to love my job.
I am a nurse in a psychiatric ER, as well as the union representative in said as well as other wards.
A little over a month ago my colleagues started talking about how our boss had threatened to fire some of them while they were sick (one with a broken foot). I collected data, asked around to figure out what was going on and then went to said boss to talk about it, so that we could find a solution.
This caused all sort of trouble because the boss plays favourites and the favourites are now extremely angry, with me… but I persevered, set up a mediation meeting with the members the boss my self and another union rep. But now…. Now there is so much tension no one is willing to talk, so I stand alone. I feel so betrayed. But I’ve learned my lesson. Fuck jobs. I didn’t live my job. I loved making a difference for my patients. So now, my colleagues can go suck a duck, as can my boss and I am currently fucking done, and have applied elsewhere

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