
Short term disability after Fmla

Hi all, Back in September, my wife’s boss surprised her with negative feedback (generally lacking acceptable performance etc) even though her reviews last year and even a month prior were stellar and documented as satisfactory. This was done particularly right after they they hired a former customer as an employee so they can leverage contacts/favors etc. Boss wanted my wife to meet with HR the following week to discuss “options”. Nothing was documented and no mention of PIP at any point. Not sure what was the agenda of the Meeting with HR. Meanwhile, my wife immediately applied for an got Approved for FMLA (to care for her dad with cancer) – something that has been a source of stress and the timing was perfect. After 10 weeks of caregiving she’s due to go back to work in 2 weeks and is stressed, depressed and anxious about her dad’s condition as…

Hi all, Back in September, my wife’s boss surprised her with negative feedback (generally lacking acceptable performance etc) even though her reviews last year and even a month prior were stellar and documented as satisfactory. This was done particularly right after they they hired a former customer as an employee so they can leverage contacts/favors etc.

Boss wanted my wife to meet with HR the following week to discuss “options”. Nothing was documented and no mention of PIP at any point. Not sure what was the agenda of the Meeting with HR.

Meanwhile, my wife immediately applied for an got Approved for FMLA (to care for her dad with cancer) – something that has been a source of stress and the timing was perfect.
After 10 weeks of caregiving she’s due to go back to work in 2 weeks and is stressed, depressed and anxious about her dad’s condition as well as what awaits her at work.
She worries if she will have to meet with HR immediately upon return and be put on PIP and fired shortly thereafter.

she is considering taking short term
Disability for 2-3 months for her own health and well being. She is eligible through her company as well as the state (paying 60-100% of her salary). Her doctor and therapist are also supporting her. Even if they fire her (which they may not) she will have time and insurance for at-least 3-4 months. What also you blinders suggest?

Thanks for your constructive feedback at this difficult time for us.

TLDR – wife went on Fmla ( to care for her dad) after her boss suggested a meeting with her to discuss her poor performance and “options “
After Fmla should she 1. Go back to work and risk
Pip and termination? Or
2. Continue her leave by extending Fmla
Into a new short term disability leave for 26 weeks .

What scenario has the best outcome long term ?

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