
Should I ask for comp time for having to work a weekend as a salaried employee?

I have a trade show for my job coming up that runs from Friday until Tuesday the following week in a large downtown city. I have done this show before but our company usually gets us hotel rooms as most of us do not live downtown and we have to be there around 7:30am. I was okay with this when we were able to stay in the hotel and sucked up working through the weekend with no additional comp time or pay. However, now I have to drive an hour each morning for the show on what is supposed to be my days off. Also, the salary does not justify doing this at all. I am not a high level employee. My question is… Should I ask for comp time for the two days that I will be working that are usually my days off? Please let me know if…

I have a trade show for my job coming up that runs from Friday until Tuesday the following week in a large downtown city. I have done this show before but our company usually gets us hotel rooms as most of us do not live downtown and we have to be there around 7:30am. I was okay with this when we were able to stay in the hotel and sucked up working through the weekend with no additional comp time or pay. However, now I have to drive an hour each morning for the show on what is supposed to be my days off. Also, the salary does not justify doing this at all. I am not a high level employee.

My question is… Should I ask for comp time for the two days that I will be working that are usually my days off?

Please let me know if I am making a big deal out of nothing or if I should talk to my boss for some kind of compensation. Thanks!

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