
Should I ask my boss if I’m being laid off?

I work for a global hospitality company and I suspect that my role is being discontinued. My boss has slowly started removing me from most all of my large projects except for one that I’m close to finishing up. I’ve emailed to try and revive old projects to keep me busy to no response (they’ve recently dealt with a traumatic life event so I have to give a little credit there) but this active disregard of my questions on workload has gone on for the past two weeks. I’ve been laid off from this company in the past and it was done poorly which may be causing some anxiety. I’ve been watching the market and seeing many large companies doing massive layoffs so I assume my company is next. The thing is, I do good work and I’m respected in my company and role (which I know in my head…

I work for a global hospitality company and I suspect that my role is being discontinued. My boss has slowly started removing me from most all of my large projects except for one that I’m close to finishing up. I’ve emailed to try and revive old projects to keep me busy to no response (they’ve recently dealt with a traumatic life event so I have to give a little credit there) but this active disregard of my questions on workload has gone on for the past two weeks.

I’ve been laid off from this company in the past and it was done poorly which may be causing some anxiety. I’ve been watching the market and seeing many large companies doing massive layoffs so I assume my company is next. The thing is, I do good work and I’m respected in my company and role (which I know in my head means nothing). We also have bonuses coming up and I’ll be pissed if I’m let go before that happens but it seems like he’s rushing me to finish my current project to (I assume) push me out.

I want to rip the bandaid and ask, but I tend to act impulsively when I feel anxious or unsure. Should I ask my boss why he isn’t giving me new work or responding to my emails about new work or just ride it out and see what happens?

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