
Should I ask to start working from home one day early?

Okay so long story short, I work for a company that requires 4 weeks in the office before working completely from home. They also supposedly have a 100% attendance policy for the first 90 days of employment, however, only I and one other coworker have actually had perfect attendance. I have CRPS, and I’m experiencing the worst flare I’ve had in 6 years, so driving is getting difficult for me. I am supposed to start working from home Monday, although some of my coworkers are starting tomorrow. I’m wondering if asking to start working from home tomorrow as opposed to Monday would be a reasonable accommodation.

Okay so long story short, I work for a company that requires 4 weeks in the office before working completely from home. They also supposedly have a 100% attendance policy for the first 90 days of employment, however, only I and one other coworker have actually had perfect attendance. I have CRPS, and I’m experiencing the worst flare I’ve had in 6 years, so driving is getting difficult for me. I am supposed to start working from home Monday, although some of my coworkers are starting tomorrow. I’m wondering if asking to start working from home tomorrow as opposed to Monday would be a reasonable accommodation.

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