
Should I be honest on my performance review?

For context this is my second performance review, this year will be year 3 with the company. I’m desperately trying to leave but until I can, I still have to work. For my performance review I have to evaluate myself and my management. I have to answer what is hindering my performance and how management can do better. I’ve expressed my concerns to management before and they’ve dismissed me every time. Recently they cut my hours in half due to the company having financial issues and when I tell them I can’t get all my work done due to having no time, I’m told that having no time is never an excuse (lol what). They think that my job duties take a lot less time than they do and I’ve expressed that it feels like they don’t actually know what I do. My managers are also the owners of the…

For context this is my second performance review, this year will be year 3 with the company.

I’m desperately trying to leave but until I can, I still have to work.

For my performance review I have to evaluate myself and my management. I have to answer what is hindering my performance and how management can do better. I’ve expressed my concerns to management before and they’ve dismissed me every time. Recently they cut my hours in half due to the company having financial issues and when I tell them I can’t get all my work done due to having no time, I’m told that having no time is never an excuse (lol what). They think that my job duties take a lot less time than they do and I’ve expressed that it feels like they don’t actually know what I do. My managers are also the owners of the company.

If I’m lucky, I’ll get a job offer before my review and then I won’t care but until then, is it worth even trying to be honest?

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