
Should I be honest with my manager?

Hi everyone, Ill keep this as short as possible. I had a great idea for my work that I started. I introduced a company that essentially revolutionized our way of doing everything. I was leading the committee… Or so I thought until to my surprise, someone else was added to the committee and started leading Flash forward to now, my managers have been having secret meetings with that employee, she is now leading the committee after they kept me out of the dark, and they handed me a “pity role” in the committee that is essentially setting me up for failure and is in area that is my weakness. My manager keeps asking my thoughts, and honestly I want to drop out of the committee entirely and tell them its because I dont really have much trust in leadership after that experience. Should I just be a member of the…

Hi everyone,

Ill keep this as short as possible.

I had a great idea for my work that I started. I introduced a company that essentially revolutionized our way of doing everything.

I was leading the committee… Or so I thought until to my surprise, someone else was added to the committee and started leading

Flash forward to now, my managers have been having secret meetings with that employee, she is now leading the committee after they kept me out of the dark, and they handed me a “pity role” in the committee that is essentially setting me up for failure and is in area that is my weakness.

My manager keeps asking my thoughts, and honestly I want to drop out of the committee entirely and tell them its because I dont really have much trust in leadership after that experience.

Should I just be a member of the sub area and fail? I like the company but not management and im honestly waiting until our raises come in to apply for alternative jobs elsewhere.

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