
Should I even give 2 weeks notice?

My current job is literally the shittiest place ever. My job is in LA and I only make 14.50 hourly. I’m a graphic designer. My starting pay was actually 13.00 an hour, I asked for a raise after being here for over a year and my boss told me the company was “struggling” and he couldn’t afford to pay me much more. Even though my other coworkers make 20-24 hourly. I’m younger than my other coworkers so my boss thinks he can under pay me heavily. The pay isn’t even the worst part. The office situation is literally unlivable. The break room is a hazard. There are bugs flying around everywhere and the fridge has never been cleaned. The bathrooms never get cleaned either. There is literally shit on the walls and floors. Nothing ever gets cleaned and everything is extremely fucking old because my boss refuses to buy any…

My current job is literally the shittiest place ever. My job is in LA and I only make 14.50 hourly. I’m a graphic designer. My starting pay was actually 13.00 an hour, I asked for a raise after being here for over a year and my boss told me the company was “struggling” and he couldn’t afford to pay me much more. Even though my other coworkers make 20-24 hourly. I’m younger than my other coworkers so my boss thinks he can under pay me heavily. The pay isn’t even the worst part. The office situation is literally unlivable. The break room is a hazard. There are bugs flying around everywhere and the fridge has never been cleaned. The bathrooms never get cleaned either. There is literally shit on the walls and floors. Nothing ever gets cleaned and everything is extremely fucking old because my boss refuses to buy any new equipment. The computers barely work and if he ever buys any new ones they are old, used, and from eBay. They also treat me like shit as if my job is easy even though I’m running their website, and because of me they have brought in a LOT more sales.
There are no benefits and no overtime. If you go even a couple minutes over 8 hours, he won’t pay you for it.
Once we partnered with a HUGE shoe company for an event (not saying which one for identity purposes), and I was the one doing all of the work. They wanted a photographer from our company so they used me. I’m return, they gave me a 100$ gift card, and 2 expensive as fuck exclusive items of theirs. The gift card was just for me and the other two items was for everyone including me. Guess what. My manager took the gift card for herself. And they gave me and everyone else 1 of the two items, and sold the rest. They couldn’t even give me something that another company gave me.
There’s this and so much more. I’m quitting soon as I have gotten a job offer paying me around 70k annually and it’s not a shithole. So I guess I’m just wondering, should I even give them a 2 weeks notice?

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