
Should I give up my office job

Current details regarding my employment: I work at a billing office for a large corporation that supplies durable medical equipment. It consists of endless reports and special projects. You never feel accomplished as getting private insurance companies to pay for patient’s supplies is a challenge. Some women work remotely but the office is consumed by fluorescent light and cubicles. I have only ever worked in restaurants/the service industry. I’m used to movement, fast paced environment, and lots of social interaction. This is my first 8am – 5pm office job. The majority of people working here are older women ages 40-60 years old. They all seem overweight and bitter from the constant sitting and endless work load. I’m not even 30, I’m the youngest woman in the office. I worked at the office for 3 months until I took a 6 week maternity leave. Prior to my maternity leave I was…

Current details regarding my employment:

I work at a billing office for a large corporation that supplies durable medical equipment.

It consists of endless reports and special projects. You never feel accomplished as getting private insurance companies to pay for patient’s supplies is a challenge. Some women work remotely but the office is consumed by fluorescent light and cubicles.

I have only ever worked in restaurants/the service industry. I’m used to movement, fast paced environment, and lots of social interaction.

This is my first 8am – 5pm office job.

The majority of people working here are older women ages 40-60 years old. They all seem overweight and bitter from the constant sitting and endless work load.

I’m not even 30, I’m the youngest woman in the office. I worked at the office for 3 months until I took a 6 week maternity leave. Prior to my maternity leave I was trained inconsistently with a wide range of different people, but never had responsibilities of my own since I would be leaving for maternity leave regardless.

Once I returned from maternity leave, I was to be trained by another woman who was nearly 40 weeks pregnant as I was taking over her area for billing.

I also have to breast pump twice a day at work on my breaks, this is extremely time consuming.

From the start this woman, about 10 years older than me, had it out for me. She has worked for the company for almost 20 years.

She treats me like dirt, w an air of jealousy, wickedness, and internalized misogyny sprinkled on top. She treats the new male hire like they’re best friends.

She is now the group lead and I don’t want to spend years here under her and other women that are just as catty and love to gossip.

Not sure what to do.

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