
Should I grab a lawyers advice?

So for background info, the safety committee at my work meets once every two weeks. It's a voluntary thing at my work to include people who are concerned with employee safety to awareness and training. The committee meets for 30 minutes but occasionally runs over. My job requires a lot of responsibilities, being timely with reporting, making SOPs of the workplace for training, building an entire new site (that both my manager and supervisor don't know how to do???). Today I walked into a regular meeting with my supervisor, manager, and co-worker. They tried to tell me that either myself or my co-worker needed to join the safety committee. We literally played rock paper scissors because neither of us wanted to do it. My coworker lost and I'm confused as to how something that's voluntary at my work and is a responsibility is mandatory. Oh also my coworker said the…

So for background info, the safety committee at my work meets once every two weeks. It's a voluntary thing at my work to include people who are concerned with employee safety to awareness and training. The committee meets for 30 minutes but occasionally runs over.
My job requires a lot of responsibilities, being timely with reporting, making SOPs of the workplace for training, building an entire new site (that both my manager and supervisor don't know how to do???).

Today I walked into a regular meeting with my supervisor, manager, and co-worker. They tried to tell me that either myself or my co-worker needed to join the safety committee. We literally played rock paper scissors because neither of us wanted to do it. My coworker lost and I'm confused as to how something that's voluntary at my work and is a responsibility is mandatory. Oh also my coworker said the leader said “Anyone that voted for Biden shouldn't be on my safety committee!”

He's putting in a complaint about both the committee itself and being forced into it. But what legal bearing do I have? I'm clearly involved in at least half the interaction and am trying to both cover my coworkers butt (told him to document everything on a personal device) and my own. Should I contact a lawyer? This place is ridiculous here.

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