
Should I jump ship?

I have the chance from a previous boss who set up their own company a couple years ago to go work for them. They’ve been trying to get me to go over there for almost a year and I’m just so over my current workplace I think it might be time. I’ve been at the current job for 3 years and I am basically am still there because the flexibility of scheduling and benefits – things that are so hard to come by these days. I would get more pay at the new place and work from home m. But it’s a start up so they don’t have full benefits, just money towards benefits. Fiancé has amazing benefits so once married I can switch over to his just makes me nervous not having the backup of benefits, 401k, etc. I get 2 days wfh and 3 days in office currently.…

I have the chance from a previous boss who set up their own company a couple years ago to go work for them. They’ve been trying to get me to go over there for almost a year and I’m just so over my current workplace I think it might be time. I’ve been at the current job for 3 years and I am basically am still there because the flexibility of scheduling and benefits – things that are so hard to come by these days. I would get more pay at the new place and work from home m. But it’s a start up so they don’t have full benefits, just money towards benefits. Fiancé has amazing benefits so once married I can switch over to his just makes me nervous not having the backup of benefits, 401k, etc. I get 2 days wfh and 3 days in office currently. I’m the area director of 3 locations and stay pretty busy. Some of the people at my locations are just assholes and I’m tired of dealing with people daily. I have been acting my wage for a year now, but still getting praised and bonuses and will get my 3% raise this year – but again it won’t be as much. About 10k more at new place. I guess if everything goes south, I can always come back to my current employer or a different job but probably wouldn’t be as flexible as what I have now. Tough decisions!

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