
should i just quit and give my manager the (metaphorical) middle finger?

i work for a large corporation in fast food, and our general manager has made it very clear he cares way more about the business than his employees. we’ve already seen that he’s not afraid to fire someone for being sick, and now i’m next on the chopping block because i’ve been sick three times in the past two months. this time is the worst yet, i have the flu and i’m practically bedridden. he still wanted me to come in yesterday with record low temps and horrible road conditions, and yet still decided to stay open when half the staff had already called off before we were to open. once it was made very clear that i was extremely sick (on the verge of passing out, entire body feeling like i got hit by a truck) he told me to leave but that one more time and he has…

i work for a large corporation in fast food, and our general manager has made it very clear he cares way more about the business than his employees. we’ve already seen that he’s not afraid to fire someone for being sick, and now i’m next on the chopping block because i’ve been sick three times in the past two months. this time is the worst yet, i have the flu and i’m practically bedridden. he still wanted me to come in yesterday with record low temps and horrible road conditions, and yet still decided to stay open when half the staff had already called off before we were to open. once it was made very clear that i was extremely sick (on the verge of passing out, entire body feeling like i got hit by a truck) he told me to leave but that one more time and he has to “let me go for the sake of the business”.

now i’m tempted to just quit because i’m not one to be fucked around with. any unemployment i could get from being fired would never be enough to pay bills on, so i’d have to resort to doordash driving until i find something else.

do i just quit or wait it out?

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