
Should I just quit my soul destroying job?

Hi all, I've been thinking about this for a while and need some advice. I moved from the UK back to Canada in October due to my mom being diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo a lot of treatment and wanted to be there for her. For those who aren't aware Canada is SUPER expensive so I got a job with an old employer which I've been at since November. It's a call centre called Sitel but I'm not on the phones but rather I'm work from home doing email customer service. I'm trained as a financial analyst so I'm no longer used to dealing with customers on a day to day basis so naturally taking this job was a bit of a step back for me but I took what I could get as I wasn't planning on staying here for a super long time. I have friends…

Hi all,

I've been thinking about this for a while and need some advice.

I moved from the UK back to Canada in October due to my mom being diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo a lot of treatment and wanted to be there for her. For those who aren't aware Canada is SUPER expensive so I got a job with an old employer which I've been at since November. It's a call centre called Sitel but I'm not on the phones but rather I'm work from home doing email customer service.

I'm trained as a financial analyst so I'm no longer used to dealing with customers on a day to day basis so naturally taking this job was a bit of a step back for me but I took what I could get as I wasn't planning on staying here for a super long time. I have friends who work here and they said it wasn't too bad but it's honestly bringing me down big time, not to mention the pay sucks ($18 per hour, I'm used to earning £18 or around $30 per hour)

The training was awful, one week fly by the seat of your pants, barely covered any content relevant to the work we'd actually be doing. So naturally I'm failing email audits left right and centre. I reach out for help and have to wait hours for support which means my productivity is in the toilet. The job also uses a shift bid process so because my quality and productivity is poor I'm ending up with terrible, anti social shifts (currently on 1130am-8pm with Mondays and Tuesdays off)

While I'm here helping my mom I'm living at home, my expenses are relatively low ($50 phone bill, and throw her $300 per month to put towards bills since I'm using energy etc) I've also saved a decent amount of money (around 60k) over the years so could take some time off and live off savings for a bit.

The job has also started doing forced leave earlies because it's so dead now, for a two week pay period I only logged like 55 hours yet today they are asking for overtime? I'm just so fed up with the culture of the place and the lack of support. When I worked here five years ago I actually had to take 3 months off as it was causing me anxiety and depression however at that point I was on the phones.

They have also started forcing return to the office and while it's only one day per week I live 20 miles away and don't drive. I also don't want to expose my mom to anything as she's still immunocompromised but when I raised that to my manager they wanted a letter from her doctor in order to accommodate it.

I'm just wondering if anyone can shed some light on what they would do in this situation? I'm sitting here with a draft email thinking about what to say to my manager. Do I tell them the job is not a fit? Or do I ask for time off for mental health? It's worth noting I'm on a 9 month contract so I have no paid holidays, no sick days, and no benefits to claim.

Thanks for any advice

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