
Should I just settle and keep working feeling underpaid?

Hope this is okay. I’m looking for some perspective. Im gonna try and give the key information: I started this job 4 years ago as an intern with horrible pay. 4 months in, I was doing the same job as a regular employee. Same workload and same responsability. My boss at the time was awful. The way she would speak to us was horrible. It was abusive. 15 months ago we got a new boss. He show up being the complete opposite. Always very correct and calm 1 year ago I was given a bad performance review, I argued everything, since most of those things did not happened the way they’re claimed, but my previous boss was already gone and I was told the review was final. I was not given a salary increase. At that stage I was 3 years in. I had 3 teammates and all of them…

Hope this is okay. I’m looking for some perspective. Im gonna try and give the key information:

  • I started this job 4 years ago as an intern with horrible pay. 4 months in, I was doing the same job as a regular employee. Same workload and same responsability.

  • My boss at the time was awful. The way she would speak to us was horrible. It was abusive.

  • 15 months ago we got a new boss. He show up being the complete opposite. Always very correct and calm

  • 1 year ago I was given a bad performance review, I argued everything, since most of those things did not happened the way they’re claimed, but my previous boss was already gone and I was told the review was final. I was not given a salary increase.

  • At that stage I was 3 years in. I had 3 teammates and all of them making waaay more than me. 12k less than one of them. And 32 k less thank the two others. (These two employees had more experience than me in others companies)

  • I hit an extreme lower point. I needed the job. And I couldn’t find anything else. Finally I got another offer and presented my resignation, but I got a counter offer. Because of personal reasons (the health of a family member) working from home was essential, and my current company was the only one offering that.

  • My boss is the typical “we are family” type of manager and got hurt/insulted by my action. He keeps mentioning that people that work only for money are not good workers and they will achieve nothings

  • Now I’m making more money, but substantially less thanks my teammates (20k less), however, because I come from a not privileged background, this amount of money is more than what some of my friends/family members make.

  • 2 months ago I got a positive performance review, and got a 850 pounds increase, getting still 20 k less than my teammates.

  • I struggle with both feeling grateful for the position I am in comparison with my surroundings, and feeling underpaid and taken for granted by my boss/job

If I were to leave I could maybe get more money, but giving up remote working is not an option for me…

And I’m just really sad and angry at this whole situation. What do you think?

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