Three weeks ago I started a daycare job as an assistant pre todds teacher and we have the first week without our main teacher since she quit. I’m working with two other teachers and one of the teachers I work with is bothering me lately. She’s a nice person but does stuff like this.
1) not doing her job and when I tell her she has to do it, she looks at me like I’m supposed to do it despite several people telling her, it’s her job
2) blaming me for a kids breakfast not being feed when the kid refused to eat and I put a note saying their child didn’t eat
3) I volunteered to clean the bibs but since it’s my break I left them out and was hoping she would do them but she wants me to do it when I get back.
The daycare I work at had three people quit, I’m stressed and exhausted, I make $14 an hour, communication is bad, I’m constantly getting sick and kids who bite or get sick are never sent home, staff is miserable and stressed and our break room is our time to unload our day onto each other. Should I look for another job while I’m at the daycare or just stick it out?