
Should I quit my job now or later

I’m a student who has been working at this dumb retail place since April last year. I was hired less than a dollar above minimum wage which I was very excited about at the time considering my experience but 5 months in I asked for a raise and they said “sorry not how that works here” and explained I had to apply in the new year and I would receive a raise in March of this year which would apply to all hrs worked January onward. I’ve done everything I’ve supposed to do for the raise plus more and have just been informed “raises won’t happen until April” and when in April I do not know. Funny thing is I can’t actually tell them how much I want, they give me what they think I deserve. In the end I graduate in May and will be searching for a job…

I’m a student who has been working at this dumb retail place since April last year. I was hired less than a dollar above minimum wage which I was very excited about at the time considering my experience but 5 months in I asked for a raise and they said “sorry not how that works here” and explained I had to apply in the new year and I would receive a raise in March of this year which would apply to all hrs worked January onward. I’ve done everything I’ve supposed to do for the raise plus more and have just been informed “raises won’t happen until April” and when in April I do not know. Funny thing is I can’t actually tell them how much I want, they give me what they think I deserve.

In the end I graduate in May and will be searching for a job related to my degree. Should I quit right now and have no income until after school or hold out for my raise since it applies to past hours and then quit. I’ve just become quite bitter toward this whole scenario as it becomes increasingly clear they’d rather just have people quit so they can start new people out on shitty salaries. I’m also just dreading that they’ll be like “congrats here is your raise of 50 cents!!” Because then I am even more of a clown.

Regardless I am quitting this dumb job but it’s just a matter of when and I’d like outside opinions. Thanks 🙂

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