
Should I refuse to sign termination papers when I’m fired?

Hey everyone [Texas] I'll likely be fired in a couple of weeks. I've been out with a stroke since Feb 27th and my doctor wrote me to return mid-April… I haven't been herr long enough to qualify for FMLA or anything, so HR made sure I knew I was unprotected. With Texas being an at-will state, I know my hands are somewhat tied, but I want to at least keep my options open as far as unemployment goes. Should I refuse to sign any termination papers they give me? I don't want to accidentally sign away a right to anything or sign saying I agree to it when I don't. Am I able to take the papers with me and look them over? I've never been fired before, only quit. Thanks all!

Hey everyone

[Texas] I'll likely be fired in a couple of weeks. I've been out with a stroke since Feb 27th and my doctor wrote me to return mid-April… I haven't been herr long enough to qualify for FMLA or anything, so HR made sure I knew I was unprotected.

With Texas being an at-will state, I know my hands are somewhat tied, but I want to at least keep my options open as far as unemployment goes.

Should I refuse to sign any termination papers they give me? I don't want to accidentally sign away a right to anything or sign saying I agree to it when I don't.

Am I able to take the papers with me and look them over? I've never been fired before, only quit.

Thanks all!

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