
Should I report my previous job for health and safety?

Alright ladies and gentlemen, I have a story to tell. After reading everything, I ask that you give your opinion. For the past 18 months, I have worked as a server for a particular steakhouse “in front” of your eyes. The job itself was fine, I found that I enjoyed it and was very good at it! I quickly made myself known. This particular place was very dependent on seniority/capability. (You start with 3 table section. By the time I left I had 10-12 tables). Though honestly I tried to help beyond just being a good server. I would make suggestions about better ways of doing things, I would voice the opinion of the staff when no one else wanted to say anything. Honestly the coworkers were great, but the manglement would ALWAYS try to screw people over. The easiest example is their introduction of the SA position. They attempted…

Alright ladies and gentlemen, I have a story to tell. After reading everything, I ask that you give your opinion.

For the past 18 months, I have worked as a server for a particular steakhouse “in front” of your eyes. The job itself was fine, I found that I enjoyed it and was very good at it!

I quickly made myself known. This particular place was very dependent on seniority/capability. (You start with 3 table section. By the time I left I had 10-12 tables). Though honestly I tried to help beyond just being a good server.

I would make suggestions about better ways of doing things, I would voice the opinion of the staff when no one else wanted to say anything. Honestly the coworkers were great, but the manglement would ALWAYS try to screw people over.

The easiest example is their introduction of the SA position. They attempted to pay them tipped minimum wage and 2% sales tipout. A quick number crunch showed they would be making below minimum wage nearly every day.

The SA issue is in the past, but it serves as a good example of the issues. Now let’s talk about what happened.

I spoke up again, but this time I was let go instead. My schedule was changed Friday night so that I was supposed to work Saturday double. I did not see this change and was fired for not showing up for my shift.

Is this fair? No, but I quickly found a new job serving. I have finished training, but now that I’ve secured a new place of employment…..

My old restaurant has one particular habit that could get them in a lot of trouble. If a label is out of date, the LABEL ONLY is replaced, the time will continue to be used.

There are a few other health and safety issues, but this is a practice that happens every single night at that store.

Should I contact an authority about it?

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