I work part time in a job i like just to kind of get out of the house and interact with people and get a little pocket change. The job was initially great and I clicked with the team but last year our manager died and since then we have had a series of bad managers step in. Recently i submitted my resignation and pointed to the extra work caused by bad management making the job harder and other issues with compliance as the reason. The store and other mangers listened and looked at the department a little closer. My co-worker second in command is still there and was on vacation, while he was away apparently management reviewed the current manager and have decided to replace him with my coworker. This is cool and I would work for him as he understand how to run a team and spread the workload, but my notice day is tomorrow and although everyone has told me there is a change coming it has not happened yet. My quandary is that i am scheduled next week past my end date so do i rescind my resignation or just show up next week to see if they actually have followed through and if they haven't just peace out? I know from my former life that from an HR perspective I would not allow an employee to work or be scheduled past their end date without a retraction but no one seems to care about that here. I know i can always just walk away if things are still messed up and beyond hope but do i just let it ride and leave my resignation in place and go in to see the changes or do i rescind my resignation and redo it if things have not changed by next week?